At the Playground we are playing browser online and other multi-player online games.
HeroQuest Online
Battle for Morgua
The Theatre Hall is the fantasy section of the castle. There thou will find fantasy tales and pictures and will learn more about Kitana, Princess of the Angels.
Kitana comic book
At the Throne Room thou can visit Princess Kitana andd view or sign her guestbook.
Login to Kitana's Castle
At the Library thou can study source codes of program examples and download useful functions and modules for various programming languages.
Spell index
Rune magic books
Elemental magic books
Spell magic books
The wizard's forum
At the Arena we are playing computer and console games. Once the Arena has opened, thou will find infos, maps, and addons to famous computer games here.
At the Entryhall thou can read the castle news.
Kitana's Castle news
Site search
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